Saturday, September 5, 2009

How To Recover From Throat Infection


This year was the withdrawal of organized youth team which was attended by some adults. The retreat was held in Baselga di Pinè, a charming town that is mirrored on a beautiful lake. Together, we have also participated Anna Gold. Dolomites, Irene of Swallows and Philip of Malipiero. Thanks the availability of Gold. Pergine and gold. Pinè we were able to train on the beautiful maps, including that of St. Columba and Bedolpian. Divided into two groups. The younger me and Luke, the other, to which Marta is aggregated, with Stefano and Federica. Intense training both technical and physical considerable effort on the part of all, serious approach to training have characterized these beautiful sunny days. Significant improvements were noted in all athletes. Improvements that leave little hope for a breakthrough in the coming races. We can safely say that the most "sparkling water" seems to Monica, who knew about having to relay the W45, a first and a second moment of desperation, after training, has asked the FISO to anticipate the Italian Championships, the gallop. So, all of us, we know that we will provide it with GPS it will return upon arrival. Well even the two girls, Julia and Jessica, who recently moved closer to orienteering. Rave in the woods and at the table, still have difficulties in moving into the territory, but have strong character and strong will, so they have decided to follow the team even in that of Mount Moriah. The only thing we have not yet understood and that, whenever they find the lanterns should not phone home, but continue to look for it.
But the gem of the collection is 2009 was the presence (voluntary) Frederick (athlete Erebus) who accompanied us with the technical role of Chef. Delicacies, sumptuously prepared food and gallons of spritz prevented us from losing weight and then to conceal. To the delight of the mark, only character that instead of improving the social situation worsened (chef's Journal rose to assistant chef).
About Mark we wish you a speedy recovery after yet another injury (broken ulna radio) and a prayer: Marco there's a seat on the train to Lourdes.
12 and Sept. 13 at Mount Moriah, are the Italian Championships Long. We go there with high hopes, not even if that results were not evil, but with the certainty of obtaining satisfaction in the behavior of all athletes. Force ragazzi.Ricordo still that 27 cm will be the festival of Nine


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