Movie cinepanettoni advances on the new "Christmas in South Africa" \u200b\u200bAdvances
Because now, thirty years from now, there is no Christmas without cinepanettoni here is the detailed description of the new holiday comedy Filmauro license plate and directed by Blacks Parenti.
For the first time in hotels and luxury ships, the location of the film moves to Africa and particularly in the state that, again this year, hosted the last World Cup won by Spain in South Africa. In fact, the shots were taken mostly from the capital Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Many new features include the cast: in addition to the now veteran Christian De Sica and inseparable companion Massimo Ghini, will debut the actress and singer Serena Autieri, a professor in "Nightmare before-Today," the comedian Max Tortora, finally consecrated by the great success of the TV series "I Cesaroni", Barbara Tabitha, recently seen in Pieraccioni film "Me and Marilyn," the great Giorgio Panariello, the young Argentine Laura Natalia Esquivel, best known for teenagers to be the star of the soap opera "The Patty", Alessandro cancelation and the beautiful and famous by now already partners Belen Rodriguez De Sica in an advertising campaign of a well-known telephone company. Also there will be the actress Lindsay Lohan and Napoli striker Ezequiel Lavezzi engaged in some cameo.
Assenza illustre quella della Hunziker che fino ad ora aveva preso parte a tutti i cinepanettoni, con De Sica, del post Boldi.
La trama del film è strutturata in modo da dividersi, come di consueto, in due episodi paralleli: nel primo troviamo Carlo (De Sica) e la sua seconda moglie Susanna (Tabita) che incontreranno Giorgio (Tortora) e sua moglie (Autieri), nonchè prima moglie di Carlo, dando vita ad una serie di disavventure tragicomiche che culmineranno in un galeotto viaggio nella Savana.
Nel secondo episodio troviamo il dott. Rischio (Ghini), chirurgo, e il suo amico Ligabue, detto il Bue, (Panariello) ricco macellaio toscano, che decidono di partire per il "Continente Nero" assieme ai loro rispettivi figli: Laura (Esquivel) and Vitellozzo (cancelation). The problems begin when both parents will love the beautiful Angela entomologist (Rodriguez) in search of a rare insect.
The soundtrack could not be the hit of the summer and World Cup, which is the single "Waka-Waka" by Shakira.
The film is scheduled for December 17, 2010.
Michele C.
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